What are the latest improvements and known issues on the Argos platform?

Current Improvements & Known Issues in Inspark Offerings and Argos Platform

Last updated: May 2023

Known issues to be fixed in next platform update:

  • Instructors are unable to review BioBeyond Blue Planet Reports they previously scored in Argos. [IN PROGRESS]
  • 4 students to date have reported their score for BioBeyond Unit 5 Into the Plant Cell lesson not showing when they complete the lesson. [UNDER INVESTIGATION]
  • 2 students to date have reported that their submitted BioBeyond Blue Planet Report does not have their observations. [UNDER INVESTIGATION]
  • When manually scoring the BioBeyond Blue Planet Report the comment field is not syncing to the LMS, such as Canvas. [IN PROGRESS]

Latest improvements from the last platform update:

  • Fixed an issue causing a small disparity between the score some students saw while taking a lesson and the finalized lesson score for that lesson.
  • Fix scoring issue in the HabWorlds Project.
  • Fixed an issue where some students experienced the HabWorlds Project submit itself even though they were not done.
  • Fixed the “something went wrong” error that some students see when they complete a lesson and are prevented from syncing their score to Canvas from Argos.
  • Improved feedback on the ecosystem simulation in BioBeyond Unit 4 Nilpena lesson so that students will not get stuck.
  • Improved instructions in the BioBeyond Blue Planet Report in Unit 7 so students do not write “test” on their first observation and to fill out the “What I’ve heard about climate change” section in the report.
  • Manually scored BioBeyond Blue Planet Report now syncs directly from Argos to Canvas.
  • Students can restart and resubmit another attempt of their BioBeyond Blue Planet Report before the first submission has been scored.
  • Fixed an issue with lesson history back and forward arrows in BioBeyond Unit 3 World Biodiversity Expedition.
  • Fixed a discrepancy between the score in the instructor view of a student attempt and the score a student received in the lesson after completing it.
  • Fixed an issue causing some students to get stuck in the BioBeyond Unit 3 World Biodiversity Expedition lesson when clicking a geotag or organism.
  • Fixed an issue where some students could get stuck in the BioBeyond Unit 4 Nilpena lesson with a grayed out button.