How do I give student extensions?

Granting Extensions

Student Exception condition can be set for one student or multiple students enrolled in a section, and it supersedes the section's due date. Different students can receive different exceptions. 

  1.  Log into your instructor account and navigate to the Manage tab in the section overview.
  2. Scroll down to the Manage section and click on Assessment Settings.
  3. Click on Student Exceptions.
  4. Now you can select the lesson that will receive the specific student extension. Then, you can click on Add New and select the student from the drop-down menu that appears. Finally click Add.
  5. A new item will appear. You can edit each section (i.e. Due Date) for the student. 

    1. NOTE: You can tell if a lesson has a student exception in the Assessment Settings by searching for a lesson and scrolling to the right until you see the label Exceptions.