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Blackboard LTI 1.3 Configuration for Argos

Configure Blackboard

Configure Argos as a Tool

  1. Under the System Admin Tab, under Tools and Utilities, go to the Tools.
    System Admin —> Tools and Utilities —> Tools
  2. Go to the section on LTI tools, and make sure the Availability settings are all set to On.
  3. Under the System Admin Tab, under Integrations, go to the LTI Tool Providers link.
  4. Select Register LTI 1.3 / Advantage Tool
  5. On the Register screen, enter the Argos Client ID, then Submit. 4a5d93a9-f379-41e4-aba4-e26f539ba5de
  6. After Saving, select Tool Status Approved, and, for User Fields to Send, select Role in Course, Name, and Email Address, and, finally, select Allow Grade Service Access and Allow Membership Service Access, then Submit.

    Note: If Tool Status is not set to Approved, it will result in an error message saying the tool is disabled.
  7. After the Argos Education Tool is added, Select Manage Placements by clicking the down arrow next to the Tool name.
  8. On the Manage Placements screen, select Create Placement and fill in the Label and Handle with a name of your choice. This name will appear to instructors in their course sections. We suggest “Argos”.
  9. Also on the Create Placement page, under Type, select Course Content Tool and Allows Grading, and then select Launch in New Window.
  10. Finally, on the Create Placement page, under Tool Provider Information, in the Target Link URI field, type https://app.argos.education/lti/launch and click Submit.

Additional details can be found here: Blackboard instructions to add an LTI 1.3 Tool Provider


Register and Connect to Argos

  1. The first time you launch Argos from a newly integrated LMS, you must register your institution. 
    Note: If you do not complete this step, the first person who launches Argos (such as instructor), will be shown the Registration screen. We recommend you do this in advance of your instructors needing to connect to Argos, because an Argos Admin must take the step of accepting your registration, which may take up to 24 hours. If you have not received approval in 24 hours, or need it more quickly, content Argos Support.
  2. Fill in the Institution Name, Institution URL, Email, and Location fields, then select Blackboard and Register
    Note: The Blackboard developer URLs will be pre-populated and do not need to be changed.

  3. After submitting your registration, an email is sent to the Argos team for approval. Once they approve, you will receive an email saying your registration is approved.
  4. After approval, the next time you or your instructors launch a course link to Argos, the Getting Started screen will appear.